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GULF PM Magazine:

Please download this file and fill the magazine advertising form.

Advertising rates are as follows:

Full page               =     US$ 1,600
Half page              =     US$ 1,067
One-fourth page =     US$     533

Special Rate:

Outside Backcover (whole page) = US$ 4,000
Inside Backcover (whole page)    = US$ 2,667

Advertisers & Advertising Agencies assume the liabilities for all contents (including representation, text and illustrations) of advertisements printed. Advertisers and advertising agencies also assume the responsibilities for any claims arising there from and made against the Chapter.

PMI-AGC reserves the right to reject any advertisement that is not considered in keeping with the Chapter’s mission, vision and standards.

PMI-AGC Website:

Please download this file and fill the web advertising form.

Advertising rates are as follows:

Type of Advertisement
in Pixel
3 Months
6 Months
1 year
Advertisement on the right side of the home page.

190 x 140

15 kb
Advertisement on the right side of the announcement page.
190 x 140
15 kb
Advertisement on the right side of the following pages:
  • Seminar/Courses page

  • Events & Training page

  • Publication page

  • Advertising page

190 x 140
15 kb

**Note: All ads must be in JPEG, PNG, animated GIF or animated Flash (SWF) format.

  • The ads should be loaded into CD or send to us thru email and will be advertised as it is originally sent.
  • Getting the publishing rights will be under the advertiser responsibility.
  • The advertiser will be fully responsible of the contents of the advertisement.
  • The advertiser gives his permission to PMI-AGC to post web links to the advertiser's website as a part of the advertisement.
  • All prices are in US Dollars($).
  • Prices shown are promotional rates and are subject to change.

Advertisers & Advertising Agencies assume the liabilities for all contents (including representation, text and illustrations) of advertisements. Advertisers and advertising agencies also assume the responsibilities for any claims arising there from and made against the Chapter.

PMI-AGC reserves the right to reject any advertisement that is not considered in keeping with the Chapter’s mission, vision and standards.

For more inquiries, please send us email or contact us at (966-3) 874-7020.


Copyright©2006 Project Management Institute - Arabian Gulf Chapter. All rights reserved